This course is specifically geared for all students who did not take the PASS PEP Module Exam Course.
Management Accounting is a very major part of the CFE and many students who wrote the first CFE found it to be among the most challenging parts of the CFE. It may be tested on the Day 2 Case (probably) and would be expected to be tested heavily on the Day 3 Cases. Even if one achieves depth in financial accounting one must still achieve breadth in management accounting, which for many students is no easy feat as many students took management accounting in the early years of their university education and are not that proficient in this area.
This course will review all major areas of management accounting, both quantitative and qualitative, which can easily be tested in a CFE scenario. Students will also receive extensive notes which summarize key areas.
After various areas are reviewed, students will have the opportunity to work on numerous scenarios in order to practice their management accounting skills.
Course Includes
Six technical review sessions
Many examples of management accounting scenarios
Videos of all sessions
Extensive notes
Lecture Demos
Take a look at a video from the CFE Management Accounting Technical Review Course
Course Delivery
PASS recognizes that students have different schedules and are located throughout Canada and the rest of the world. Furthermore students learn in different ways. In order to accommodate all students, the PASS course is offered in different formats:
Live Online Course - See Schedule Below
Video Online - Video Course Available Anytime Prior to Exam
Any missed class can be made up by watching the video
We train accounting students to pass the PEP Module Exams and CFE in order to obtain their CPA designation. We have had over 25 years of experience, delivering courses to thousands of students in small and mid-sized firms as well as in-house programs at all of the large 4 accounting firms. Our personalized approach along with our case writing techniques and extensive technical notes, combine into the right formula for students to pass the CPA exams.