This comprehensive course before the CFE encompasses both case writing and techniques.
Case Writing - This course will give students the opportunity to write more cases which will be professionally marked and debriefed in class so that students can refine their case writing skills and have an edge on the CFE. Students will also learn fundamental case writing techniques, essential for successful case writing. In addition, students will learn a very structured approach for writing the Day 2 Case on the CFE. For students who were unsuccessful on the CFE, this course will be a perfect complement to Capstone 2.
Lastly, students will also learn techniques for getting sufficient depth in various competencies, including:
Numerical Methods - How to perform quantitative analysis quickly and effectively in order to reach at least the 'competent' level
Depth in Financial Accounting - Essential technique for financial accounting issues which ensures students will move from 'nominal' or 'reaching competent' to 'competent' once an issue is identified
Integrated Tax - Review technical corporate and personal tax and integrate the technical into cases
Integrated Audit - Learn audit techniques to apply in cases to move up the competency levels
What Went Wrong - Learn from a professional marker the most common mistakes that prevent people from passing and what you can do to correct them
CFE Marker Session - Gain insight from a professional marker as to how the CFE is marked and what the marker is looking for
There are 2 versions of the course, a live online option and a video option. The course is intended for both students who will be working as well as students who will be taking time off from work during the summer.
Live Online Version - The live online version is offered outside of normal business hours (evenings/Sunday), so as not to conflict with work. Furthermore a portion of the course is offered through videos, which can be watched whenever one has free time.
Video Version - All live online sessions are recorded and students can watch the videos at any point in time.
Students can mix and match sessions, i.e. take some classes live online and some by video, if it suits their schedule.
Course Extras
Personal counselling sessions with an experienced marker
Receive a PASS binder and comprehensive set of course materials (ie. cases and lecture notes), prepared for the 2025 CFEs.
Course Includes
1 day on case writing techniques - How to write CFE Cases
4 "Technique" sessions
Write 5 Day 3 Cases (4 are marked)
Write (and get marked) 2 Day 2 Cases
2 Day 2 Cases de-briefed
1 personal counselling session (for one exam)
PASS comprehensive binder and all course notes
Lecture Demos
Check out a video from the course.
Course Delivery
PASS recognizes that students have different schedules and are located throughout Canada and the rest of the world. Furthermore students learn in different ways. In order to accommodate all students, the PASS course is offered in different formats:
Live Online Course - See Schedule Below
Video Online - Video Course Available Anytime Prior to Exam
Any missed class can be made up by watching the video
We train accounting students to pass the PEP Module Exams and CFE in order to obtain their CPA designation. We have had over 25 years of experience, delivering courses to thousands of students in small and mid-sized firms as well as in-house programs at all of the large 4 accounting firms. Our personalized approach along with our case writing techniques and extensive technical notes, combine into the right formula for students to pass the CPA exams.
You guys always took that extra time and put in that extra effort to make sure that the students are prepared to the best of their extent, whether it was making small confidence boosting comments or putting things into perspective by teaching only what was absolutely relevant.