This course was designed for students who want to work with a PASS mentor throughout the process and focus on the specific PASS courses that are most useful to the individual student. Over the years we have found that students in large accounting firms have the option of working with a mentor, but students outside these firms do not. Therefore, in order to even out the playing field, we are now providing this option to everyone.
The Mentor course works as follows:
(1) 1st Meeting - Shortly after you register, we will meet with you (in person or skype or phone) to go over the details of the program and go over how to prepare a study plan
(2) 2nd Meeting - We will have a 2nd meeting (in person or skype or phone) and we will review your study plan. During this meeting we will review your selection of courses to ensure it is consistent with your needs and study plan
(3) Courses - You will begin taking the courses below as well as receive a technical binder and videos
(4) Ongoing Communication - Each month we will communicate with each other (e-mail, phone, skype) and make sure that you are following your study plan
If you are enrolled in this course there is no need to register for any other courses, as you will have access to all of the PASS courses and materials. You will choose courses that meet your needs from the 6 components below
The CFE Mentor / Case Course - May/Sept. CFE consists of 5 components:
Note: PASS courses are offered in different formats: Live Online and Video. Each of the components below indicates the available formats of that component.
1. CFE Day 3 Case Writing Course
Course Description
This course focuses on case writing, specifically Day 3 cases. The course begins with a session on case writing and then students write and hand in for marking, 4 Day 3 simulated cases. All cases are debriefed during a take-up. The course is a perfect complement to Capstone 2 so students can have additional practice case writing.
Course Includes
Intro to case writing techniques
Write (and get marked) 4 Day 3 cases
4 Day 3 cases de-briefed
PASS comprehensive binder and all course notes
Lecture Demos
Check out a video excerpt from our Day 3 Case Writing Course
Course Delivery
This course is offered either Live Online or by Video.
Upcoming Offerings
Exam Date
Class Dates
View Schedule
May 21-23, 2025
Live Online
First Class: April 7, 2025 Last Class: May 11, 2025
This course is a perfect complement to Capstone 2, as it will give students the opportunity to write more cases which will be professionally marked and debriefed in class so that students can refine their case writing skills and have an edge on the CFE. Students will also learn fundamental case writing techniques, essential for successful case writing.
In addition, students will learn a very structured approach for writing the Day 2 Case on the CFE.
Lastly, students will also learn techniques for getting sufficient depth in various competencies, including:
Numerical Methods - How to perform quantitative analysis quickly and effectively in order to reach at least the 'competent' level
Depth in Financial Accounting - Essential technique for financial accounting issues which ensures students will move from 'nominal' or 'reaching competent' to 'competent' once an issue is identified
Integrated Tax - Review technical corporate and personal tax and integrate the technical into cases
Integrated Audit - Learn audit techniques to apply in cases to move up the competency levels
The timing of the course has been built around Capstone 2. There are 2 versions of the course, a live online option and a video option.
Live Online Version - The live online version is offered outside of normal business hours (evenings/Sunday), so as not to conflict with work. Furthermore a portion of the course is offered through videos, which can be watched whenever one has free time.
Video Version - All live online sessions are recorded and students can watch the videos at any point in time.
Students can mix and match sessions, i.e. take some classes live online and some by video, if it suits their schedule.
Course Extras
Personal counselling sessions with an experienced marker
Receive a PASS binder and comprehensive set of course materials (ie. cases and lecture notes), prepared for the 2025 CFEs.
Receive an online publication, which demonstrates how major accounting topics have been tested historically and can be tested in the future as well as how to integrate financial accounting with assurance procedures
Watch video on how to prepare a study plan and then have a PASS instructor review your plan and provide feedback
Course Includes
1 day on case writing techniques - How to write CFE Cases
4 "Technique" sessions
Write 5 Day 3 Cases (4 are marked)
Write (and get marked) 2 Day 2 Cases
2 Day 2 Cases de-briefed
1 personal counselling session (for one exam)
PASS comprehensive binder and all course notes
Lecture Demos
Check out a video excerpt from our CFE Comprehensive Course
Course Delivery
This course is offered either Live Online or by Video.
Upcoming Offerings
Exam Date
Class Dates
View Schedule
May 21-23, 2025
Live Online
First Class: January 12, 2025 Last Class: May 5, 2025
This course is specifically geared for all students who did not take the PASS PEP Module Exam Course.
Excelling in financial reporting on the CFE require a solid knowledge of financial accounting as well as the ability to apply that knowledge effectively in CFE cases.
This course will review all of the major technical areas in IFRS and Private Enterprise GAAP (ASPE) for which students are responsible.
Candidates will also have the opportunity to work on two simulated cases which incorporate numerous accounting issues. Students will learn how to apply their technical knowledge effectively and attain the necessary level of depth to attain "competent" for Financial Reporting assessment opportunities.
As part of the course students will receive the publication - Financial Reporting Technical Review - 2025.
Course Includes
Numerous technical review sessions
2 sessions in which simulated cases are taken up
Videos of all sessions (available to both students taking the live online and video online offerings)
Check out video excerpts from our CFE Technical Accounting IFRS / ASPE Course. One of the videos deals with a technical lecture and the other deals with how to effectively apply one's technical knowledge to CFE cases
Course Delivery
This course is offered either Live Online or by Video.
Upcoming Offerings
Exam Date
Class Dates
View Schedule
May 21-23, 2025
Live Online
First Class: January 27, 2025 Last Class: March 12, 2025
This course is specifically geared for all students who did not take the PASS PEP Module Exam Course.
Management Accounting is a very major part of the CFE and many students who wrote the first CFE found it to be among the most challenging parts of the CFE. It may be tested on the Day 2 Case (probably) and would be expected to be tested heavily on the Day 3 Cases. Even if one achieves depth in financial accounting one must still achieve breadth in management accounting, which for many students is no easy feat as many students took management accounting in the early years of their university education and are not that proficient in this area.
This course will review all major areas of management accounting, both quantitative and qualitative, which can easily be tested in a CFE scenario. Students will also receive extensive notes which summarize key areas.
After various areas are reviewed, students will have the opportunity to work on numerous scenarios in order to practice their management accounting skills.
Course Includes
Six technical review sessions
Many examples of management accounting scenarios
Videos of all sessions
Extensive notes
Lecture Demos
Take a look at a video from the CFE Management Accounting Technical Review Course
Course Delivery
This course is offered either Live Online or by Video.
Upcoming Offerings
Exam Date
Class Dates
View Schedule
May 21-23, 2025
Live Online
First Class: February 24, 2025 Last Class: March 12, 2025
The complete PASS CFE Technical binder provides extensive notes on all 6 competencies, including notes on both IFRS and ASPE accounting topics.
As part of this program, the financial accounting and management accounting notes are used in conjunction with the financial accounting and management accounting courses. The other 4 competencies, assurance, tax, finance and governance are provided in the CFE technical binder.
Excellent for students taking accredited programs who need to beef up their technical for the CFE.
We train accounting students to pass the PEP Module Exams and CFE in order to obtain their CPA designation. We have had over 25 years of experience, delivering courses to thousands of students in small and mid-sized firms as well as in-house programs at all of the large 4 accounting firms. Our personalized approach along with our case writing techniques and extensive technical notes, combine into the right formula for students to pass the CPA exams.